Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Power Line
Power Line is a conservative blog run by three lawyers, John H. Hinderaker ("Hindrocket"), Scott W. Johnson ("The Big Trunk") and Paul Mirengoff ("Deacon"). Power Line covers political and social issues relevant to conservative Americans. It gained notoriety in 2004 for reporting on the Killian documents controversy, dubbed "Rathergate," during which the bloggers and their readers contributed their research and findings to coverage of the case. Powerline became part of the Pajamahadeen, when criticized by a former CBS News executive. The bloggers' disagreements with the editorial opinions of the hometown Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper are frequently posted on the site.
In December 2004, Star Tribune columnist and local Air America Minnesota radio commentator, Nick Coleman responded to several of their claims in a piece called "'Blog of the Year' goes to the extremes." Coleman's editor later stated that the article contained inaccuracies and subjective opinions. Official corrections were small, and mostly focused on Coleman's interpretations.
Power Line came under criticism from left-wing blogs Daily Kos and Eschaton when Hindrocket stated that former US President Jimmy Carter was "on the other side", which they interpreted to mean 'sympathetic to terrorists'. Hindrocket later clarified his criticisms of Carter.
Powerline theorized that the alleged GOP talking points memorandum in the Terri Schiavo case may have been faked. [1] This was proven false when Brian Darling, legal council for Republican Florida Senator Mel Martinez, admitted that he wrote the memo. Powerline reported this as soon as they knew of it.
Powerline has also been critical of Ward Churchill. Power Line is part of the Northern Alliance Radio Network, which hosts a weekly radio show of the same name in Minnesota.


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